AdzBazar Forum

A new contest!

Started by agony554 2022-01-28 at 13:28
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 382
Dear members,

I've created a new contest for you to enjoy!
Give it is check here:

A lot of work went into this one and it is currently running in test mode untill the end of the month.
If the test went well, a new contest will start on the 1st of Februari 2022.

In this contest you will collect points from your direct referrals activities.
You get points for them clicking ads, playing Adzgrid, playing the bonus game, new referral signups, clicking ads in 3th party offerwalls and completing tasks/offers.

The total Prize pot will be $120 and will be devided over the top 5 ranking members!
Let me know what you think and leave a comment below
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 7
Hello admin, it's a good competition!

Let me understand , do we rely solely on referral activities to earn points ?

I have a lot of inactive referrals unfortunately, so I can only earn by signing up for them?

It could add some extra activity without relying on active referrals over which we have no control, I believe this is a problem that many must have when relying on others for additional income.

And I would like an incentive suggestion for content producers, I am a Youtuber and I make videos about Adzbazar and other Xalvira BV sites and I would like to know if it is possible to have rewards for the dissemination by the members so that we can make the community always growing and with information teaching how to use the platform, in the most long term success for the whole team.
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 382
Quote: internautalegal
Hello admin, it's a good competition!

Let me understand , do we rely solely on referral activities to earn points ?

I have a lot of inactive referrals unfortunately, so I can only earn by signing up for them?

It could add some extra activity without relying on active referrals over which we have no control, I believe this is a problem that many must have when relying on others for additional income.

And I would like an incentive suggestion for content producers, I am a Youtuber and I make videos about Adzbazar and other Xalvira BV sites and I would like to know if it is possible to have rewards for the dissemination by the members so that we can make the community always growing and with information teaching how to use the platform, in the most long term success for the whole team.

To answer your questions in the same order:
- Yes, your downline activity gives you points
- I'm not sure what you mean by "so I can only earn by signing up for them", your downline must signup them selves. It isn't allowed to sign them up yourself.
- It has been always a problem with cheating since many members abused the older attempts. This seems to be the most honest and least vulnerable way for both the member and Adzbazar. But suggestions are always welcome.
- This might be considered in the future. Keep an eye out.
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 7
Sorry, I think the translator didn't work properly, unfortunately.

I'm honest!

I have a YouTube channel( and I took advantage of this topic to say that I will participate by creating videos because I have already created some about Adzbazar and Xalvira Bv .

The contest is good, but depending on other people's activities, it's not the best in my case, as the earnings of the nominees are below $0.01 and they perform few activities, so I can only compete by nominating them (1 point).

That's why I suggested an incentive (a reward per task) that depends on me and not on third parties to earn for promoting the Adzbazar brand and having visibility, as I make a positive evaluation and add to the recognition of the site here in Brazil through my community.
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 382
Actually, you are earning from your downline like a % tasks and offers they complete.

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