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Vacation Days

Ofcourse, everyone needs vacation from a hard days work.

Purchase the days you need on demand and enable your vacation mode in your settings

Paid To Click Ads

10 Seconds Exposure, Value: $0.0002

(1000 Credits = 1000 clicks)

15 Seconds Exposure, Value: $0.001

(1000 Credits = 1000 clicks)

20 Seconds Exposure, Value: $0.002

(1000 Credits = 500 clicks)

30 Seconds Exposure, Value: $0.005

(1000 Credits = 200 clicks)

45 Seconds Exposure, Value: $0.01

(1000 Credits = 100 clicks)

60 Seconds Exposure, Value: $0.02

(1000 Credits = 50 clicks)

30 Seconds Exposure, Value: Varies

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