AdzBazar Forum

Payment processor updates

Started by agony554 2019-07-10 at 14:30
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 382
Hello members,

It has become nearly impossible to maintain all payment processors we currently offer.
Before we where able to fund Perfect money and Payeer by bank, but this is no longer possible. The only way remaining is very expensive exchangers with fee up to 20%.

As you all can imagine, this can't be maintained at such cost and we are forced to remove Perfect Money and Payeer for deposits and withdrawals permanently.

Members who use Perfect Money and/or Payeer will be able to use AirTM instead, AirTM supports nearly all processors including Paypal, Payeer, Perfect Money and many other favorites.

The 20th both Payeer and Perfect money will be removed for deposits and withdrawals, members who deposited with these processors, will be able to use AirTM instead. AirTM offers members to cashout to any other processor you like.

We are also observing Bitcoin and Litecoin for the moment, the big crash happened early this year was surely not in our favour and did cut a big hole in our financials.

You can find AirTM here and have a look around, they currently suppot nearly all payment solutions currently availble. Click here to visit AirTM

Benefits AirTM will offer you:
- You will receive $1.00 for free when joining using the link above and do a total of 3 transactions with a minimum of $5.00 in total.
- Sending and receiving from other AirTM people without fees!
- You can cashout to Paypal or fund your AirTM account with Paypal and 200 other processors.
- AirTM also offers a person to person network, allow you to exchange between processors at very low cost.
- And many more

Best regards,
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 1
Thanks for this update. But sorry, I have already tried many a times to signup with AirTM, but could not, even AirTM Support could not fix the problem. So if you have removed these two important Payment Processor, please Add Skrill also alongwith AirTM for easy cashout.
Please update.
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 5
Good work abzbazar I am still waiting for my promotion too
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 1
Quote: agony554
Hello members,

It has become nearly impossible to maintain all payment processors we currently offer.
Before we where able to fund Perfect money and Payeer by bank, but this is no longer possible. The only way remaining is very expensive exchangers with fee up to 20%.

As you all can imagine, this can't be maintained at such cost and we are forced to remove Perfect Money and Payeer for deposits and withdrawals permanently.

Members who use Perfect Money and/or Payeer will be able to use AirTM instead, AirTM supports nearly all processors including Paypal, Payeer, Perfect Money and many other favorites.

The 20th both Payeer and Perfect money will be removed for deposits and withdrawals, members who deposited with these processors, will be able to use AirTM instead. AirTM offers members to cashout to any other processor you like.

We are also observing Bitcoin and Litecoin for the moment, the big crash happened early this year was surely not in our favour and did cut a big hole in our financials.

You can find AirTM here and have a look around, they currently suppot nearly all payment solutions currently availble. Click here to visit AirTM

Benefits AirTM will offer you:
- You will receive $1.00 for free when joining using the link above and do a total of 3 transactions with a minimum of $5.00 in total.
- Sending and receiving from other AirTM people without fees!
- You can cashout to Paypal or fund your AirTM account with Paypal and 200 other processors.
- AirTM also offers a person to person network, allow you to exchange between processors at very low cost.
- And many more

Best regards,

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