AdzBazar Forum

1st Withdraw

Started by saiaps 2018-06-13 at 15:03
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 2
Hello Forum

Can this be an exception for the first withdrawal

It is required to have a minimum of 10% of your income earned in Offerwalls

Or else there can be $ 5 a week till you have earned 10% of your income in Offerwalls

Please let me know

« Last Edit: 2018-06-23 at 14:41 by saiaps »
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 2
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 108
Thanks for you ideas sir, unfortunately I have to disappoint you with your request. We did give it many tought's how to realize this. When this rule was finally integrated it was announced on our forum and even with a popup on your login screen almost a year ago.

An other issue; You have used a lot of proxy/vpn on our offerwalls, probably you also didn't know that this is prohibited on our websites. It is clearly mentioned on our "terms of service" / (TOS) not to do that.


« Last Edit: 2018-07-29 at 11:46 by Admin »

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