AdzBazar Forum

Forum Rules

Started by agony554 2015-02-22 at 12:33
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 382

3.1. You have access to reading the Forum, except for private areas.
3.2. You can post in the forums after completing the registration process and logging in.
3.3. We do not tolerate racism, sexism or abusive comments from our members. Debates and discussions are fine, however we will not tolerate any rude attitudes, insults, meaningless inflammatory posts towards either our members or our staff.
3.4. You have the right to express yourself without offending other users.
3.5. All kinds of publicity, attempts to get referrals, money offers/exchange/requests and the offer or request of services are prohibited in Forum posts/topics. Spamming the Forum with nonsense posts/messages, duplicated topics, illegal content, sharing email addresses, social website links and instant messenger IDs is also prohibited.
3.6. Any accusation without proof, intimidation, threat or disrespect against AdzBazar and / or AdzBazar staff / assistants, here or elsewhere will be seen as disrespectful and may lead to the removal of the privilege of using the Forum as well as the permanent suspension of your account, temporary suspension of membership or any other benefits.
3.7. Posting topics or messages that may directly or indirectly be prejudicial to AdzBazar, its users, sponsors or service providers will be considered offensive and may lead to suspension of forum privileges.

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