AdzBazar Forum


Started by theking 2015-03-26 at 10:35
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 73
Quote: chaise
gan, ada yg bermasalah deposit via bitcoin?
barcode wallet ga muncul?
info pls gan, soalnya sudah 5hari ga bs depo via bitcoin, barcode codes ga muncul

Maaf gan, ane gak puny solusi, ane pake paypal... mungkin belakang ane bisa bantu??
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 4
lumayan gan ane baru sewa 5 avg dapet 8
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 23
gan, ada yg ngalamin masalah deposit?
ane deposit status success, sudah receipt, tapi balance ane ga update sudah 1hari, ada yg perna ngalamin?
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 122
Quote: kohlee8888
Bagaimana klik RR nya ?... berapa hasil per RR dan kelancaran klik nya ?...

golden member : rr avg sekitar 8
ultimate member : rr avg sekitar 4
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 122
Quote: shandy04
Numpang tanya gan......

Kalo member ultimate,nilai perklik Referral nya berapa? Soalnya kalo golden hanya 0,001 perklik Referral.


Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 122
Quote: shandy04
Numpang tanya gan...

Kalo RR sdh 500,sebaiknya autopay on atau off ?


saranku sih nyalain autopay terus, dan extend bbrp utk 90 hr
kecuali dalam kondisi tertentu
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 73
Quote: chaise
gan, ada yg ngalamin masalah deposit?
ane deposit status success, sudah receipt, tapi balance ane ga update sudah 1hari, ada yg perna ngalamin?

Lum pernah tu gan, blh tau gak gan... deposite nya via ap?
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 23
status deposit berhasil receipt tp balance ga diupdate, sptnya Adzbazar sudah tanda tanda, sudah 3 ticket dari tgl 6 ga ada yg jawab, bahaya
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 65
Quote: chaise
status deposit berhasil receipt tp balance ga diupdate, sptnya Adzbazar sudah tanda tanda, sudah 3 ticket dari tgl 6 ga ada yg jawab, bahaya

you have been spaming us with tickets for the same issue in the past few days about funds not showing in our Bitcoin account, we asked for some proofs to be able to track your funds, in the end we couldn't fund anything and i told the staff to just add your missing funds to stop spmaing us yesterday, and you are saying that we are not replying at all to your messages? what i should do now really, should i ban you for lying...?
next time, if you have any missing funds, please keep the issue between you and the support ticket since such post wont do any good for the site, and we can't ask you to give us any sensitive information here in the forum.
« Last Edit: Today at 16:07 by Admin »
Newbee (Level 0)
Posts: 23
Quote: life23
Quote: chaise
status deposit berhasil receipt tp balance ga diupdate, sptnya Adzbazar sudah tanda tanda, sudah 3 ticket dari tgl 6 ga ada yg jawab, bahaya

you have been spaming us with tickets for the same issue in the past few days about funds not showing in our Bitcoin account, we asked for some proofs to be able to track your funds, in the end we couldn't fund anything and i told the staff to just add your missing funds to stop spmaing us yesterday, and you are saying that we are not replying at all to your messages? what i should do now really, should i ban you for lying...?
next time, if you have any missing funds, please keep the issue between you and the support ticket since such post wont do any good for the site, and we can't ask you to give us any sensitive information here in the forum.
« Last Edit: Today at 16:07 by Admin »

SPAMMING what? i'm asking on forum not negative. i'm sending ticket with bitcoin link proof.

on my ticket i give proof add fund and link bitcoin, so im not lying.

this is the link
TransactionView on blockchain

Payment Receipt
Item NameAdzBazar Coinbase Bitcoin checkout
Item DescriptionAdzBazar add funds (Digital goods) - Member:chaise
StatusCompletedOrder NumberW42JSUW9Date April 06, 2016 03:10 TransactionView on blockchain

i just asking about deposit not update in my balance cos im sending ticket no answer since 06 April. no spamming no lying.
now problem done, after i ask on forum.

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